Cake saw with cake

Wedding Cake Saw

Among the many things we made for Simon’s wedding, the most effort went into the Cake Saw.

The teamwork required for a newly married couple cutting a cake is wasted on a knife designed for one. So we decided a mini 2-man saw was a much more suitable implement

Cake sawThe blade was laser cut from stainless and then custom ground using a Dremel mounted in some scrap wood.

Grinding the blade

Grinding the blade

Wooden file handles were added, mounted on custom machined stainless attachments using pressed pins.

Saw prior to assembly

Saw prior to assembly

A leather sheath was made to protect the sharp edge and to protect us from the sharp edge.

Saw in leather sheath

Saw in leather sheath


Finished saw waiting by our wedding cake

Finished saw waiting by our wedding cake

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